1. Overview
The first GIX Innovation Competition was successfully held in Beijing in 2016. It attracted hundreds of teams and contestants. The winning projects provided insights into solutions addressing some of the world's most pressing challenges such as air pollution, navigation difficulty of the blind, and renewable energy.

2. Project introduction of finalists
(1) Team EvoEco is dedicated to helping users classify garbage with visual automatic technology, and simplify the solid waste processing of daily life in order to strengthen the family-based environmental protection. According to the EPA, two-thirds of the municipal solid waste generated in the US is discarded into landfills or incinerated, resulting in a host of negative environmental impacts. Our project, the Automated Waste Display, addresses this problem by using clear and compelling visual elements and user interaction, to improve consumer knowledge of what can or cannot be recycled or composted. We're currently developing an object recognition feature through CV, that informs consumers on exactly where their waste belongs. Through consumer engagement and education of cost-effective waste diversion alternatives, we will significantly reduce the environmental impact of solid waste.
(2) SeeID is designed to revolutionize early childhood education by enabling novel smart environment applications. SeeID attaches RFID tags to clothes and objects and captures their
unique RF signatures to enable motion and object interaction sensing. By applying signal processing and machine learning techniques, SeeID understands children's daily activities and
enables the following applications: exercise monitoring, interest analysis and interactive play.
(3) A team from Zhejiang University proposes DSENSE, a mobile wireless charging and sensing platform using drones to alleviate the pain of energy delivery and data gathering in WRSN. Drones in DSENSE are equipped with a wireless charger which can power nodes in remote locations (e.g., embedded in walls, in soil), retrieve and forward sensor data packets to the cloud. This mobile charging and sensing method executed by drones is demonstrated to be effective and efficient – DSENSE successfully drives WRSN-based monitoring services in both a high-rise building and a large farmland. Compared with traditional human operation, not only monitoring time but also the whole system costs has decreased a lot, which brings a new opportunity to the environmental monitoring field.
(4) Komra is the world's first portable multi physical analyzer device that can fit your pocket. A molecular sensor that can give you a unique fingerprint for each material you scan. Komra can tell you how many calories inside your food and whether it has something affects common allergies. It can check the freshness level of food along with the internal water level. It can be used also to check the type and quality of clothes, soil and plastic. Applications for Komra are endless, you can always build a reference scan and detect the quality and type of any material.
(5) The team proposes an innovative HAPT (head position and attitude tracking) technique for VR, AR and MR. Our technique is called Multiple-emitter, Multiple-receiver and Multiple-IMU(MMM) HAPT, which can be widely used by vast kinds of mobile phones, in large scale area. The hardware includes multiple ultrasonic emitters installed on the ceiling and multiple ultrasonic receivers mounted at the virtual helmet and two inertial measurement units. The principle technology is to update HAPT by fusion of multiple IMUs while the accumulated errors are corrected by the array of Ultrasound TOAs (Time of Arrival). The error of head’s position is less than 5 cm. And the delay time is less than 20ms.It can support applicable area as large as 1000 m^2 by deploying about 20 ultrasonic emitters.
(6) Smart Dx, is a platform to revolutionize primary healthcare by using real-time analytics in the interpretation of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for common infectious diseases. Central to our approach is the algorithm that combines the physical RDT result and epidemiological and patient-specific information. We plan to deliver this novel approach in two phases.
(7) Nowadays more and more children are suffering from wrong posture and myopia. KUN is an intelligence hardware aiming at adjusting child's posture while studying to help them shape a good habit and protecting their eyesight. We want to highlight three points of KUN. First, it use advanced algorithm on depth camera, which can lead to a more comprehensive posture detection. Second, it has a tangible and light feedback, with a motivating system, to help children notice their wrong posture and shape a good habit. Last but not least, KUN connect parents and child and encourage their communication, which can be a strong power for child to behave well at posture.
(8) This project aims to develop and produce a compact hand-held UAV. It takes aerial photography, autodyne and following shot as the point of penetration and takes Qualcomm's first released chipset and the latest computer vision as the technical support, so as to achieve the characteristic functions such as small volume, indoor flight, precision positioning, unknown environment detection, 3-dimensional reconstruction and so on. Its cost is controlled within three thousand Yuan and forms the price advantage, which tries to build young people's first UAV.
(9) REA team brings an intelligent two-way sign language translation system. They designed a sign language translation system: data gloves and sign language translation robot, which can achieve two-way conversion between sign language and voice. As a bridge of communication between the deaf and the normal. At present the project has received one invention patent and five utility model patents. Their target markets are: deaf-mute families; public service venues including banks, hospitals and airport ticket booths; and sign language teaching for non-profit organizations.
(10) DooGo e-guide dog aims to improve everyday life for visually impaired people, ensuring safe, effective, independent mobility through real-time obstacle avoidance and outdoor navigation using natural interactive mode--user being led by the guide dog. This mode accords with user's mental model, therefore relieve the nervousness and distrust when they go out alone. It applies state of the art algorithm including SLAM and Artificial Intelligence to ensure safety and reliability. It can detect obstacles from all the directions even above waist height and touch-point on the ground, also provides instant online help if necessary.
(11) The TIE team brings a product based on smartphone-connected cardiac monitor, classifying psychological signals through pattern recognize using discriminant function analysis. What we seek is a method that can learn your working pattern and by detecting your physiological signal, it can give you prediction of when you will feel weary and suggestion about what is suitable for you to do right away. From the hardware site, we utilize the lab-developed wristband with our own algorithm implemented to extract specific features like heart rate variability. On the app site, you can add your coming tasks and get the suggestions of what to do now and which is for the next based on your current physical status.
(12) Babbler is a language assisting and learning tool based on Augmented Reality technology with brand new interaction design, which aims to help people learn foreign languages, make
simultaneous face-to-face and multi-lingual communications come true and enhance cross-culture communications.
(13) GRIP is a conglomerate of a platform and a set of fitness trackers that generates user interaction such as mutual support, motivation, competition and guidance based on data retrieved from minimal trackers. The current stage of development is focused on the gloves. Implemented with various sensors [Figure 1], GRIP gloves automatically provide gym users real-time workout feedback and a comprehensive track record. Measurements include motion, weights, repetitions, calories, heart rate, power, etc., all contributing to the exercise motion mapping. The adoption of the force sensors is GRIP’s magic touch, eliminating the requirement of any user control or input.
(14) The Next Generation team brings a mobile air filtration system for air pollution. The device is a consumer focused portable powered True HEPA air purification system. It filters particles 0.3 micron and larger at a 99.97% efficiency. The system allows for easy breathing by adjusting to respiration rate. The device provides adjustable assisted inhalation. The guts of our device fit inside a backpack or purse, it is battery powered, and controlled and connected via mobile application. The mobile application controls power/level, reads battery consumption, and provides local air quality forecasting and smart notifications for when air filtration will be needed. An onboard pm2.5 detector records real time data. The algorithm predicts filter lifetime and a subsequent notification system may be integrated for automated filter purchasing.
(15) TRIO is an easy to carry solution designed for musicians. With a barorecepter, a vibrator and a built-in bluetooth inside, Trio can work as a mute metronome and an automatic page-turner controlled by foot tapping, which can be connected to any smart phones or panel computers easily. With Trio, musicians can be more focused on the playing itself without having to tolerate the traditional noisy metromone or having to stop to turn the page, which is a great improvement for instrument playing and benefits both musician beginners and professionals.
(16) Wisp is a sextech startup, developing "sensual jewellery" which gives pleasure to women. We aspire to uncover a woman’s 'turn on' button, aiding the understanding of her own sexual desire and empowering women to embrace their natural sexuality. For the first collection of Wisp we are developing fashionable wearables that can be worn around the wrist and neck, or can be placed onto the skin anywhere on the body. The Wisp wearables include delicately designed silicone jewellery, emulating the sensation of light grazes, firmer touches and gently blowing breath, recreating a "foreplay-esque" atmosphere, a beautiful and personal experience for women.
(17) Nowadays, the pillows in the market focus little on cervical health. As a result, the existed cervical pillows' user experience is not very good and the pillow function is simple. Because of the above reasons, cervical health pillow has not been so popular in the public. Here, we design a smart pillow that mainly focus on cervical health and mental health, and it is full-featured.
The main functions of the intelligent pillow can be divided into 7 categories: intelligent lifting and lowering, sleep quality monitor, health indicators testing, sleep environment testing, sleep aid, intelligent home. The unique sleep position judgement algorithm is developed by ourselves. Our health pillow contains pattern recognition technology, TFT touch screen technology, Internet of things technology, Bluetooth, wireless transmission, Android app , server technology, etc.. The pillow meets user's need on sleep from many aspects. Users can feel the convenience of technology from our pillow which has a broad market prospects and scalability.
(18) Magic Glove is an easy-to-use and low-cost hand tracking device that can reconstruct the pose and gesture of the hand. Two cameras on each side of the hand could capture the image data of hand on both sides and finally reconstruct the 3D hand model. Magic Glove could be used as a wearable user-input device for scenarios such as 3D manipulation in Virtual Reality (VR). Our main target market is the market of the end users, application developers and researchers in the field of virtual reality.
(19) dB3 (Cubic dB) is a real-time 3D audio application on smart phones for sound. The users are both consumers and service providers. People record the live 3D sound of their experience and share the sound with their friends to provide immersive 3D audio experience. We have three core components: 1) recording 3D soundfield with ordinary smart phone; 2) software and algorithm for recording, sharing, editing, saving and enjoying; 3) interact (LBS, head movement, Application…) with 3D soundfield.
(20) Asthma is the leading chronic illness among children in the U.S. but isn't always treated as such. Typical inhalers are outdated, lack technology, and don't cater to children. Pod is a wearable quick-relief inhaler that kids want to keep with them. The updated, kid-friendly design challenges the social stigmas surrounding asthma and makes it easy for children to use their inhaler as directed. Pod comes paired with information booklets for parents and kids as well as a connected app to help track and identify triggers. This cross-platform approach educates while empowering children to take control of their asthma.
3. Awards list
First Prize:AirEx Komra HaloBand
Second Prize:KUN Wisp DooGo
Third Prize:SeeID Trio Cubic dB Smart Dx